Resource Selection
Similar to selecting an online platform to build your site on, selecting the various tools used to manage your online presence can quickly become overwhelming. Depending on your sites purpose and the functionality there can be dozens of tools to use to help manage the sites content.
The following is a brief list of some potential tools to consider:
Content Management System (cms)
for larger organizations this is a tool that helps control a sites content and the users that are assigned to help create and manage it
Video player
This can be an embedded player. The most common is youtube but there are dozens of companies to choose from that all have various video and streaming services to offer.
Web Applications
Web applications can be custom or something that is apart of a platform like Wordpress or Wix. They add additional functionality to the site and can be anything from a photo gallery to a full scale forum.
Social Media
There are dozens of services designed to help manage an organizations or individuals online accounts. They can be as simple as a link to an external site or adding content from another social site to your own.
There are tools to help sign up and maintain accounts. There are dozens if not hundreds of social registries now available and these tools and services and help manage this process.
There are many tools available to help advertise your site on other sites in addition to placing ads on your own site.
Search Engines
There are many tools and services available to help improve the ranking of your site on various search engines
There are also many tools available to help with the internal search functionality of your own site.
As you can see from this short list there are many different tools and services to choose from and we can help you sift through the options to find the right tool based on your sites needs.